Making more money is great, but most people can make huge savings on their spending by simply learning how to budget better. From savvy saving tricks to learning how to track your expenses, spend wiser and plan out frugal treats, learning how to budget doesn’t have to be hard.
Using these articles will help you learn how to budget, embrace frugal living, and could end up saving you thousands in the long run – what’s not to like? Try any of these ideas to implement frugal living naturally into your lifestyle – in no time, budgeting will feel like an old habit!
How To Build A Budget
On a low-income? Then finding out how to handle your finances is even more important. This guide provides easy, achievable steps to budgeting on a low-income so you can finally stop living paycheck to paycheck.
Must-Have Budgeting Tools You Need This Year
A total list of the budgeting tools, apps, and websites you need to check out this year to really whip your budget into shape.
Budget like a Boss: How to Create a Budget & Stick to It
Everyone says you need to budget in order to save more money, but how do you even get started? This post guides you through the very first steps I took to set up a budget. Once you’ve done, find out how to keep going and stick to your budget!
How To Save Money
Cheap Grocery List For Budget-Friendly Meals
This plant-based grocery list is perfect for anyone looking to save money when cooking. Providing meal plans, typical days of eating, plus fridge and pantry staples, this is a great square one if you want to learn to budget your food shop.
60+ Super Simple Ways To Save Money Every Month
My ultimate money-saving list: over 60 ways to save money every single month without radically changing your lifestyle. This post is the ultimate one-stop-shop for learning how to save money.
Fail-Safe Ways To Save Money When You’re Abroad
Going on holiday doesn’t mean your budget needs to go out the window: these fail-safe tips will help ensure you have a great time when abroad, without breaking the bank.
15 Insane Budget Hacks That Could Save You Up To $12,000 A Year
Yeah, you read that right. 15 budget hacks that, if you play them right, could save you over $10,000 in a single year. The numbers don’t lie.
10 Wonderful Budget Date Ideas for Frugal Couples
Who said frugal couples have to say goodbye to romance? Not me! There are many wonderful budget date ideas that are as much fun (if not more!) as dates that cost money, and this post proves it! 10 wonderful budget date ideas for any time of year.
50 Free Activities for the Perfect No Spend Weekend
No spend weekends are the perfect solution for anyone who find their budget goes out the window once the weekend swings around. Try out any of these fun and frugal activities for a no-spend weekend. If it goes down well, try for two no spend weekends next month!
The Top Things Draining Your Wallet Right Now
Do you have any idea what the biggest drains on your wallet are? Knowledge is power! Check out the top offenders in this post.
12 Budget-Friendly Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
Exercise doesn’t need to be reserved for people willing to splurge on a monthly membership. Check out 12 exercises that have been invaluable to me when travelling on a budget. These activities can be done from anywhere and are perfect for the budget-conscious fitness enthusiast!
10 Awesome Free Hobby Ideas to Consider Starting Today
Everyone needs a hobby! Check out my list of free hobbies that are perfect for frugal living. All you need is weekend with no plans to pick one of these awesome ideas of the list and start learning a new skill today! Which one will you choose?
How To Be Frugal
How To Be Frugal: 45 Frugal Living Tips To Try
Frugal living can be adopted into your lifestyle in a vast amount of different ways: this post covers 30 ultimate ways to start living a more frugal lifestyle.
5 Tips to Make Frugal Living Easy!
Frugal living isn’t about spending less; it’s spending smarter. Learn how to get savvy with your finances and reserve your money for things that make you truly happy in life. These 5 top tips make frugal living feel like an old habit – and will simplify your lifestyle in ways you couldn’t imagine.
How To Be A Minimalist
8 Essential Steps To Being A Minimalist | How To Be A Minimalist
Interested in finding out how to be more minimalist? This post is your first stop, including my 8 essential steps to begin living a more minimalist lifestyle.
10 Steps To Start Living A Minimalist Lifstyle
Another 10 fantastic tips to help you start clearing the clutter from your life, bring awareness into your spending and start living a generally more minimalist-inspired life.
Creating a Minimalist Mindset: 10 Routines to Clear Your Mental Clutter
Minimalism is as much about self-care as it is about your possessions. Make sure you’re taking care of your mental clutter as much as your physical environment with these 7 routines. From exercises, meditation, to writing down all your worries, these are great tricks for achieving the minimalist mindset!
From clothes to food, most of us could do with adopting a more minimalist mindset when it comes to shopping. This post provides a few basic tips to get you started on your journey.
For even more posts on budgets & saving, click here!