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Hey Everyone! This post is a new one for me; publicly outlining and announcing my blogging goals.
I love reading the nitty-gritty details other bloggers share; from income reports and social media traffic, I eat that stuff up. It’s extremely motivating reading reports from bloggers who have started from scratch and built their website into a huge resource and community.
Income reports were the biggest thing that convinced me that blogging can eventually evolve into an income. I love blogging, so doing it for a living would be a dream!
A few excellent blogger’s who regularly publish their Blog Traffic or Income Reports include:
- The Savvy Couple
- Michelle @ Making Sense of Cents
- Millennial Boss
Having goals is also an important step when attempting to take a blog from hobby, to a platform that can really make an impact. I’d love to see this site grow, and having goals even for just one month has helped that aim significantly.
My Blog Traffic & Social Media Report:
As I know many of my readers are also bloggers (or considering it!), I’ve decided to share my own stats too. I’m not currently making any income from this blog – or at least, nothing worth sharing! – so it’s a blog traffic and stats report for now.
At the beginning of June, I set myself these goals:
- Grow blog traffic to over 2,000 page views
- Reach over 1,000 Twitter followers
- Get to 100 Pinterest followers
- Do one guest post
- Open up blog to guest posts/interviews
- Think of freebie course/e-book and start writing.
Let’s see how I did:
Get over 2,000 page views: Yes!
I truly exceeded this goal in June, reaching the milestone of not only 2,000, but then 3,000 total page views for the month!
That means my blog traffic grew by over 50% in the month of June alone. Small numbers, but a huge achievement for this baby blog.
As you can see from the screenshot above, my traffic only really spiked in the last week of June, which is what helped me smash this goal. This spike is a combination of a few Pinterest posts finally taking off, and some well-timed social media sharing of posts that were particularly popular.
I still have to work hard to get these numbers for my blog. I’m not at a point yet where I’ll get 100’s of page views without minimal effort, but I like the direction everything is heading in.
The end of June just seems to be the month where things started to come together for this blog, and I haven’t had a day under 100 views in over a week – very exciting for me!
I’m going to keep employing the tactics I’ve found so helpful and see where they take me for the entire month of July to report back!
Over 1,000 Twitter followers: Yes!
I currently have 1,062 followers on Twitter and that seems to keep rising every day. I worked hard on growing my Twitter account in the first few months of blogging, and have made some very valuable connections with the blogging community.
Other personal finances bloggers – heck, bloggers in general! – are so supportive, and I love having a platform where people will happily share, comment and contribute to topics. I put in as much effort as I can to pay this back, and I think this really shows by having great engagement as well as a growing following.
You can connect with me on Twitter here.
Over 100 Pinterest followers: Yes!
I am now on 112 Pinterest followers from 81 at the beginning of the month – that’s a growth of 38% in just 30 days!
While these numbers are still very small, I have grown my average monthly impressions on the platform from 5k to over 100k in this month alone. For me, this is clear proof that when it comes to Pinterest, your followers are not a huge factor in your success.
Pinterest is already one of my top referrals of traffic, and I’m slowly making headway into creating more ‘viral’ pins. When one of these takes off, you can really see the difference!
The two things I did to boost my monthly impressions in June?
- I started using BoardBooster. So many bloggers recommend BoardBooster and now that I’ve started using it, I can honestly say it is a life-saver. I spend so much less time pinning and see more traffic to my blog from Pinterest than ever. If you’re thinking about using BoardBooster for you’re pinning strategy but haven’t made up your mind yet, I strongly recommend it! You can sign up for a free trial here – after 30 days, my Pinterest game had improved so much, I didn’t think twice about signing up for a $5/month plan.
- I created longer pins and got my designs on point. Canva is a great (free!) tool for creating beautiful Pinterest images, but figuring out exactly what makes a Pinterest image beautiful is the tricky part. I recommend looking on the platform at some of the most popular pins in your category first. Don’t duplicate them, but you also don’t have to reinvent the wheel when making your own images!
I’m really pleased with how my monthly impressions have grown, but a higher number of followers is still good – people still go off followers for proof of worth, and 112 won’t quite cut it!
For July, I’m going to continue with the pinning strategy that is working for me, and my followers should increase naturally.
Cheeky Plug –If you’re on Pinterest, connect with me here!
Do one Guest Post: No!
Guest posting is a great way to not only expose your blog to a different audience, but also provides a great opportunity to build connections amongst the blogging community. In May, I did an interview with The A&J Muse as a part of their Millennial Mindset series, and I’d love to keep collaborating with other sites like this.
Check out my interview with The A&J Muse.
Since I’m not only an avid writer but also reader, I have made a long list of bloggers I’d love to guest post for.
I didn’t manage to get a guest post published on another blog this month, but I have lined up two for the next coming months!
Open up blog to guest posts/interviews: Yes!
I also decided I wanted to open up The Wallet Moth to guest posts and to potentially start interviewing other people on their lifestyle choices.
After all, my story is just one in millions, and I’d love this blog to be a place where people from many backgrounds can relate and chime in. This month I had my first guest post on the site!
Check out Amy’s post on 11 Ways Millennials are Spending & Saving Smarter Than Baby-Boomers!
I’m going to work harder to get more guest posts and reach out to people whose stories I think my readers would be interested in hearing about.
If you’re a blogger and you have a great idea that would fit perfectly on The Wallet Moth, check out my guest posting guidelines and get in touch!
Think of a Free Incentive Course: Yes!
I love the idea of providing my readers with something more solid than blog posts, and wanted to think of something truly valuable that I can offer.
I’m so excited to confirm that I have my first free mini e-book coming out this Friday! While writing a post about going paperless in order to travel long-term, I realised that the way I had organised my entire digital life was pretty impressive.
My new e-book focuses on minimalism for maximum efficiency – a Digital Declutter. Check out Friday’s post for a full guide on Going Paperless and to download your 7 Day Digital Declutter totally free of charge!
June Articles
I stuck to a consistent schedule of two posts per week throughout all of June, which helped keep my traffic numbers consistent. I also focused on making my articles much longer, more detailed, and full of useful links and information.
When I was still getting used to travelling/working/blogging, the quality of my posts definitely took a hit, and that’s not what I want from this blog. If people are giving me their time to read something I’ve written, it better be good!
At the end of May, I created an editorial calendar with the articles I would write for each week. While I did end up tweaking a few of the ideas, the calendar was a great way to keep me accountable.
It can be far too easy to fall into the trap of posting a sub-standard article just because you need to publish, so having a plan really reduces the chance of this situation happening!
Going forward, I’d like to try to post 3 times a week, but this may not always be possible. Running a blog on top of everything else is a lot of work!
If I can fit in 3 posts per week that really add value to the site I will. However if I don’t have time I’d rather put more effort into two brilliant posts.
Here’s some of my most popular posts from June:
All You Need to Know About Starting a Freelance Business
Minimalist Mindset: 7 Routines to Clear Your Mental Clutter
5 Lessons Climbing Can Teach You About Money, Yourself & Life
50 Free Activities for a Frugal No-Spend Weekend
The Top Things Draining Your Wallet Right Now
Why Are So Many Outdoorsy People Aiming for Financial Independence?
Next Month’s Goals
Setting myself goals for the month of June turned out to be a fantastic source of motivation for me. I hope that publishing this report will also help motivate other bloggers too.
I’ve been blogging since January, but only really committed in April (getting accustomed to travelling and working full-time at the start of this year was hard enough!). My slow but steady success the past few months just shows that if you put the time and effort in, it really pays off.
If you’re thinking of starting a blog, you should know that it is a lot of work. I’ve never been so passionate about a hobby, but I’ve also never put so much work into something I’m not making any financial gain from. I want to implement affiliate marketing when possible, but that’s by no means a quick money-maker and something I only want to do for products that are worth the shout-out.
July Goals
- Grow blog traffic to at least 5,000 page views
- Increase Pinterest following to 160 followers
- Grow Twitter following to 1,500 followers
- Focus on Facebook more, get to 200 followers (currently on 154)
- Get another guest post on my blog
Starting my own blog was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for focusing my mind on the goals I truly want to achieve.
If you’re interested in starting a blog of your own, I strongly recommend using BlueHost for a quality hosting provider at low prices (it’s the only provider I use!). Check out my exclusive link for a free domain and hosting packages as low as $3.95/month.
Alternatively, check out my full post on how to create your own blog in as little as 10 minutes!
I can’t wait to see what July has to offer for this site! Thank you so much for your support and kind comments – seeing people engage and relate to what I have to say truly motivates me like nothing else!
The Savvy Couple says
Congrats awesome stuff! Keep up the great work.
Thanks for mentioning us =)
The Wallet Moth says
Thank you! No problem, love reading your stuff 🙂
Mrs. Picky Pincher says
Woohoo! You’re killing it with the blog goals! Twitter is by far the best way to interact with other money bloggers. Who knew the world of personal finance was so freakin’ large?
(Psssst, I’d love to have you write over at Picky Pinchers if you have the time! Just shoot me an email at pickypinchers@gmail .com if it’s your thing)
The Wallet Moth says
Thank you! I know, I had no idea how many like-minded people there were out there!
Definitely interest in posting for you, I’ll drop you an email!
Michelle at Time and Pence says
This is a brilliant achievement Yaz. I’m also trialling BoardBooster at the moment and seeing an increase in my traffic. Setting a goal is so important and you have smashed most of yours, well done!
The Wallet Moth says
Thanks so much Michelle!
Lee says
Fantastic! I don’t publish a blog traffic report, but I do a monthly income report of all the things I do to make a little income apart from my day job. It’s nice to share progress! ?
The Wallet Moth says
Thanks! It is nice to look back and see proof of growth, no matter how small!
Lance @ My Strategic Dollar says
Awesome work! I’ve really enjoyed reading through your content, keep it up!
The Wallet Moth says
Thank you so much!
We're All Poor Here says
You’re doing really well. Super impressed. Keep up the great work.
The Wallet Moth says
Thank you! 🙂
Boost My Budget says
Great post – I love reading about other bloggers’ traffic and goals! You’ve done so well this month. I’m trying to work on growing my traffic too and I’m just about to start using the free trial of BoardBooster. Hope it does the trick! Good luck with your goals for July 🙂
The Wallet Moth says
Thank you! I’m sure you’ll be very pleased with the results BoardBooster gives you – just be patient! 🙂
Ms. Frugal Asian Finance says
Congrats on the great stats! I just started Boardbooster too, and it’s saved me so much time!
The Wallet Moth says
Ah thank you! Saw you’ve been crushing your blog too 🙂